Grace and Grit

I ate a piece of chocolate cake today, and I didn’t even want to. How many times do we find…

Marry Your Grief with Joy

This past year started as one of the most beautiful, exhilarating, unexpected seasons of my life. I discovered a new…

Growth Track- Part 2

 I love Jesus a heck of a ton. I truthfully have no idea where I would be if it were…

Growth Track- Part 1.

You should probably know that this blog isn’t for you. I’m sitting here realizing that there is so much happening…

30 Things About Me

A post I saw on Pinterest had this writing prompt idea list and I liked it, and considering I can’t…

The Climax of Growth

​”Okay guys wait. Let’s think about this…” “Yeah, but let’s not think too long.. I know how you can get…

Unexpected News

Lately I’ve been feeling the push to be more vulnerable in my blogs. Typically I hate the kind of writing…


(I didn’t bother to prof read this before posting. Just consider it some genuine raw blogging I suppose.) Sometimes I feel…

Three Points (1,2,3).

I get so angry so quickly. Sometimes my anger is cleverly masked behind the idea of a passionate drive or…

Powers of Personalities

I wrote this months (if not over a year ago) and never published it, but now I regret that decision.…

Some Psalms

Today was a really rough day for me. I honestly am just really starting to have enough, and I think…


Tonight is just one of those nights I guess. I am grateful beyond explanation that I have not been going…

August 14, 2015

For anyone who knows me on any form of a deeper level beyond just my acquaintance knows that August 14th is…